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  • Doey

Should we be afraid?

To decide that you're going to share dating experiences online for anyone to read can be daunting. But for me, I share these stories with people on a regular basis. So why not write about it?

I can imagine that the guys I've had experiences with may feel a little "Oh fuck, please don't write about me" and dread ever having sent that text or uploading that picture. But this is not a blame and shame blog. This is an opportunity for me to engage in my passion for writing while sharing a giggle or two about encounters I've had with people's identity anonymised.

In saying that, the internet and onling dating has become a key source for people to connect with others. Yet, it can create a space where people feel they are untouchable, that words don't mean anything and being a keyboard warrior is the norm. It can be a daunting and depressing place to be, behind a screen where your view is filled with topless jocks, stoners and douchebags. But it can also give a glimpse into how strange the modern world behaves when it comes to mating. Because, from what I've seen, the internet has certainly allowed a certain few (or many depending on your view!) to act like idiots and not realise just how stupid they are behaving.

So should we be afraid? Well, if the thoughts of hooking up with someone who says you have nice tits, you're in luck! The social media platform is crawling with these gents. But if you're like me and hold on to the glimmer of hope that maybe a half decent guy who gets your humour and doesn't mind the way you jiggle when you try to get into your jeggings will be fated to find you, then yes, we should be afraid. Not because these guys don't exist - they do. Not because we won't find them - we will. But how else are we supposed to teach the future generation of daters about how to endure idiots if we've never encountered these experiences ourselves? It is not until we gain these wonderfully colourful experiences that the Universe finally says "Okay, okay, you've suffered enough - you can enjoy your taste of actual love now. Thanks for the lawls hun!".

And that, my friends, is why I am single. Because firstly, I believe the Universe speaks, and secondly, because when I quote it, it says "lawls hun".

Until next time! :)

- Doey

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