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  • Writer's pictureDoey

You Do You, Boo

Ever watch something that inspires you? I was watching the live-action version of 'Beauty and the Beast' and although I do agree with how certain aspects of it glamorizes abuse within relationships, that's not the kind of thinking it has led me to. It really made me re-evaluate who I’m giving myself to. Is it worth being kind and loving to someone just because they give you attention? Isn’t it better to be alone and available for the right one to come along? Because really, if I spend my time with people who aren’t truly for me, there’s no opportunity for Mr. Right to appear.

If anything, by spending my time with these strangers, virtually or otherwise, even though one of them may be my prince charming, he can’t become that hero in my life while I surround myself with meaningless nobodies. If one of them is for me, then it will happen naturally. But being constantly available, losing myself in wait for a text and missing out on experiences to fulfill and improve on my personal potential is not going to satisfy me long term.

I love Disney, even if it typically places the woman and man in traditional roles, I can’t help but feel a sense of desire. For a man to be a gentleman, to value me and love me without second guessing. And what was it that Belle did to achieve that? Well, not to get into too much specifics, the core aspect is she was herself. She didn’t act to please anyone nor did she spend her day drooling over a guy. It was a great eye-opener. To see how the girls who fawned over Gaston got shut down. They’re too willing. Too eager.

And before I would have thought “Well, if I’m seen as too eager, too willing, then they’re not for me.” But if I reflect on it, how do I respond to someone who I start to get to know and they are always there? Honestly? I get to the point where they’re predictable and I roll my eyes when I see a message. I feel now that being involved in the chase is what the dating scene is all about. And part of that chase involves me being me. I don't like games nor do I see this as playing a game. I see it as me deciding to walk my own journey of love. And whoever wishes to walk alongside me are welcome. But I won't stand and wait until they decide. I will walk alone. Doing things for me. Not for other people. And it is up to others to "chase" me if they wish. But otherwise, I will be content in my own existence, without fear of being alone. Because I’m not alone. I have me. And there's no greater company to have.

Until next time!


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